Friday 4 January 2013

A New Year

I’d like to apologize to my many readers who use ereading devices other than a Kindle. I recently advertised a 99 cent sale for Sleight of Hand just on Amazon. I’m sure many of you understand the mechanics behind self-publishing but for those who don’t, Amazon makes it easy to change the price of a book. For all I know Barnes & Noble and iTunes may as well, but for various reasons I have to publish through a third platform, Smashwords, and often the sale is over before the lower price appears on their websites.   

To all the wonderful readers out there, thank you for buying my books. I love to write them, and it’s so rewarding to hear people enjoy reading them. Don’t be shy! Email anytime.

I have five books in mind I’d love to write this year, but in reality will be lucky to write two. And that would be with great, good luck. I do have a third book planned (sort of) for the Stolen Heart series. It’s one of those stories clamoring to get out, so it should be fun to write.  

I’ve been valiantly trying to get my ‘social network’ in order. It’s a bit like mucking through a mud puddle that’s much deeper than you thought; the harder I try, the more I mess everything up. Coming soon, or in a few months, a new website. I hope to do a quarterly newsletter this year. Click on “Newsletter” in the left-hand column if you’d like to hear about new releases. And Facebook…let’s not talk about that today.  

I’m a little late, but HAPPY NEW YEAR!